Anna Freeman
Clanrye International
Business, Management and Economics - Marketing Management
USD 144.95
The organizational discipline which is concerned with the practical application of marketing techniques, orientation and methods within organizations and enterprises is known as marketing management. It also focuses on the management of the marketing resources and activities of a firm. It utilizes tools such as value chain analysis, Porter's five sources and analysis of strategic groups of competitors. In competitor analysis the factors such as cost structure, resources and competencies, sources of profits and degree of vertical integration of each competitor are analyzed. The structure of marketing management consists of brand audit, marketing strategy, implementation planning as well as project, process and vendor management. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about the theory and practice of marketing management. Its aim is to present researches that have transformed this discipline and aided its advancement. Students, researchers, experts and all associated with this field will benefit alike from this book.